Thursday, November 27, 2014

Green Eats | Happy T[of]urkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving!
I have been in heaven this week, enjoying home with the sun, pets, friends, and family.
Lately, there have been several juice bars opening up back at school, and I noticed the same trend in my home town in the time that I've been back.
I have been so inspired to start juicing myself, and although I will continue to support the locals selling wonderful juice, I think it's also a habit I should adopt for healthy living.
I invested in a juicer back in high school because I thought it was the "cool" thing to do. Ironic that I brought it out again because it is once again the "cool" thing to do, but this time, I actually understand the health benefits.

Today, I decided I would juice two recipes: a pre-Thanksgiving feast juice, and one for after.
I am not super into gorging myself with the Thanksgiving feast (because Thanksgiving food is not my favorite), but I still thought it would be fun to create several recipes to serve the purpose of getting one back on track during the holidays.

Pre-Thanksgiving Feast Juice
- 1 cucumber
- 1 LARGE beet
- 1 Apple
- Thumb of ginger

 Post-Thanksgiving Feast Juice
- 1 Bag leftover cranberries
- 1 Apple
- 1 beet
- Thumb of ginger

The inside of a cranberry, who knew..

Juice lined up: cranberry, beet, apple.

 Best Practice Juicing Tips
- Buy organic. This is definitely a situation where organic is crucial. Normally, I don't pay attention to buying organic (mostly because I'm a poor college student). However, because you are putting most of the fruit/veggie into the juicer, you want your produce to be free of pesticides for sure.
- You should probably cut around the apple seeds. I did some research into fruits and vegetables this week to get a better understanding of health benefits, and I had no clue about this one. Apple seeds have a trace amount of cyanide in them. It's not really enough to kill you, but why chance it, right?
- Buy more vegetables! As a frugal college student, I am hyper aware of costs. Fruits tend to be more expensive, so try and juice more veggies. Also, buy in season so lower costs, as well.

Happy juicing & happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Green Eats | Sprouted Pesto and salad recipe

What's on my plate this week?
Well, I have been in the mood for sprouting lately and wanted to try sprouting pine nuts. I've heard that you can't actually sprout the pine nut to make a sprout, but that you can soak them and make them easier to digest and a healthier overall option.
I also have fresh basil in my kitchen and wanted to try some purple ruffle leaf basil I have been growing.
So, I made some yummy pesto.
The recipe is super simple and doesn't require much.

1. Basil (I used purple leaf and sweet basil)
2. Olive oil
3. Pine nuts
4. Parmesan cheese
5. Hemp seeds
6. Salt & Pepper to taste

1. Soak pine nuts overnight, changing water once throughout the time of soaking
2. Blend pinenuts, basil, and hemp together in a blender/food processor
3. Add olive oil and salt and pepper to taste.
4. Add parmesan cheese until you are satisfied with the consistency.

I went to a BBQ on Sunday, and I wanted to bring a healthy filling salad to add to the menu. Several years ago, I went to a potluck where I tried the yummiest salad that had a pesto sauce as dressing, so I decided to recreate this salad.

1. Pesto
2. Mixed greens
3. Raisins
4. Quinoa
5. Olives

It's really that simple. But SO good. Try it, you'll like it (:

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Kat's Meows | Sprouting Adventures! (& recipe)

Every summer, I usually get the urge to grow sprouts. Up until now, I haven't had all the equipment to be successful in sprouting (or the patience), and so I am usually unsuccessful in my ventures.
So, I decided to buy myself a super cheap sprouter from the local health food store with some mung beans to start.
If you've never heard of sprouting before, here's what's up...pretty much all sorts of legumes and seeds have the potential to be sprouted. This is when you start their growing process (as if you wanted them to grow into a full-size plant). Because it takes so much energy for a little seed to transform into a plant, there is a TON of nutrients that come with the sprouted seed/legume. So, sprouted anything is super good for us. When you sprout something, it also makes it easier for our bodies to digest, and therefore is good for us, as well.
Side note...sprouting is also a great activity for someone like me because since I can't have pets, I like to garden and take care of my little plants (probably way too attached to them, actually).

Let's get started!
First, start with what you want to sprout. I chose mung beans this time but you can pretty much sprout any legume or seed. I've done black beans, flax seed, and quinoa before.
You'll want to soak them for a while. The larger beans require more soaking, of course.
Then, put them in your sprouter and water several times a day, keeping moist but not wet.
Depending on what you're sprouting, you'll have delicious sprouts within a couple days. They can be eaten alone or in any dish you'd like.

Sprouts Recipe

Spicy sweet potato salad with sprouts
- Several sweet potatos (baked or boiled)
- Veganese (or mayonnaise)
- Lemon juice
- Korean chili paste
- Cucumber
- Red bell pepper
- Salt/pepper to taste
- Homegrown delicious sprouts!

Friday, May 23, 2014

The Fit-ty Kitty | Gym

One of the main staples and reasons for my weight loss is my dedication to working out every day. As mentioned before, I started by doing work outs in my home, and then attending the gym twice a day. I know make my daily trip to the gym and it is my favorite part of each day.

A good lesson I have learned from my gym attendance is that each person's fitness journey is their own. I can't be distracted by others at the gym that seem to have their health together, because each person's journey is different and that's okay.

I get asked a lot what my gym routine looks like. It's different every day, but here's the basics:

- Walk to and from the gym (about 15 min. walk)
This is actually pretty important, and is a great warm up and cool down to the exercising I do. I also am able to get in the mindset of working out (especially if it has been a particularly long day).
- Cardio - 30 mins to 75 mins
I like to use an elliptical for my cardio routine. I switch up times depending on how my body is feeling but for the most part, it goes in a pattern of day 1 (30 mins.), day 2 (45 mins.), and day 3 (60 mins.), and once in a blue moon, I'll do 75 mins.
- Weights
I suspect that weight lifting has been one of the key ingredients to my weight loss success (mostly because of what I have read about weight loss and lifting). I also really enjoy it, so it is a great end to my workout every day. My gym has a circuit weight lifting machine, that I just follow around with varying number of reps (again depending on how I feeling that day). Please excuse me for any wrong labeling of equipment, I really don't care too much about what the machines are called. I start with a hip extension machine, and do 5 sets of 20 on 130 lbs. I then move to a machine similar to an arm rower? I do about four sets of reps of 10 on 70 lbs. Next, I use the abdominal twist machine and do 25 on each side at 110 lbs. Then, arms again with a shoulder press machine (the vertical one, though) and do as many as I can. I then switch to legs again and do leg extensions. I finish with a traditional shoulder press and if I have time, go through my favorite machines again.
- Home workout
Usually right before I go to bed and after I have been to the gym for the day, I end my day with a nightly workout. I do 50 - 200 squats, depending on the night. I also do 30 sit-ups, 10 push-ups, 100 pelvic extension things (I obviously don't know what they're called), 50 "peeing dogs" on each leg (also don't know what they're actually called), and do some dumbbell exercises.

I have learned to really enjoy exercise, and I believe that is what has enabled me to continue to lose weight. I feel stronger every day, and I am excited to continue.

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Kat's Meows | Heartbreak and Missing Missy

This past month has been extremely trying. However, I have also learned the value in trials and tribulations. Although I would never wish heartbreak upon anyone else or even myself again, I am grateful for the learning experiences I have had this past month to make me a stronger person.

Heartbreak-- the thing about having a broken heart is that it is not an obvious hurt. Even though I am so aware of the sadness I am feeling, it is not obvious to the rest of the world. This is a blessing in itself. I have learned that the best "medicine" for this pain of the heart is service to others, as well as some other simple things:

1. Be productive.
Go to work. Go to school. Go to the gym. It will help, I promise. Distract yourself with things you need to get done and do so before you are so heartbroken and stagnant that doing anything becomes impossible.

2. Go to the gym (or work out in whatever form you choose).
Hey, I know I just listed it above, but obviously it's so important that it gets its own category. Something that was said to me right after my world seemed to crumble around me was, "I can make you a plate of cookies if that will make you feel better." However, emotional eating is definitely not the way to go in keeping up with a healthy lifestyle. Sweat the sadness out. I know that sounds gross and weird, but being active will really help.

3. Service.
Every time something sad happens, I figure there are two ways I can go. Either away from my faith, blaming God for whatever might have happened, or towards my faith. This past heartbreak, I have definitely chosen the latter and it feels great. No, seriously. I have never reached out to strangers so much, but being a friendly face can really help others' with their struggles as well. It really helps the healing process, and develops friendships along the way.

4. Enjoy nature.
Go on a hike. Collect some leaves. Sit in the sun. Envision a time where you won't feel the burden of sadness from a heartbreak.

Missing Missy

I love animals. When people ask what my hobbies are, my response probably goes like this: singing/songwriting/guitar/ukulele, working out, animals, entertaining (hosting events). Growing up, there were constantly animals around me. I grew up with many pets and had such wonderful experiences that not only taught me how to treat animals, but also how therapeutic it can be to interact. This past week, my cat Missy passed away. It was very out of the blue, and really stunned me. Missy was 13, which I suppose is relatively elderly for cats, but I have two older cats (16, and 18 years old) so I didn't think she would be the one to pass first. Anyway, she passed in her sleep, which is definitely the least painful way for an animal to go. I am sad, but so grateful to have had her in my life.

Have a great week. Feel the love around you. Be nice to animals. Love the fellow human beings in your life.

Friday, May 9, 2014

What do vegetarians eat?

Obviously just rabbit food. Just kidding. Vegetarians have a wide variety of food to choose from but sometimes it is hard to know exactly what to choose to be filling and wholesome.
Now that it's spring, I have been more inspired to create new recipes, using in season plants. Most of the food I eat is plant based, and this is a great option for anyone trying to loose weight, maintain weight, or just maintain a healthy lifestyle.
So...what do vegetarians eat?

This beautiful spring evening consisted of tofu baked and marinated with peaches, rosemary sweet potatoes, summertime "salsa salad," and a cut up peach.

Tofu Recipe:
- One package of extra firm tofu, drained and pressed with paper towels
- A couple tablespoons of BBQ sauce
- Korean chilli sauce
- One white peach, diced.
Marinade your tofu overnight with the simple mixture and then bake at 350 for about 45 minutes. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Kat's Meows | Inspired to Decorate

Clearly, it's wedding season. Late April to mid-May is filled with many weddings of loved ones and friends. It has been so wonderful to be a part of these weddings and see the unity of friends as they enter into a lifetime and eternity of happiness.

Due to the season, I have been inspired to get back into the groove of planning events. First step, decorate my home so that it fits the season and doesn't still look like dull winter. I have been to many weddings lately that use burlap as a means to decorate. Although I am not going to go out and buy burlap to decorate my home, I thought making an electronic version would do the trick just as well.

Feel free to incorporate this FREE printable into your home. Just attach to some cute ribbon and enjoy.