Wednesday, January 15, 2014

MCOM | Application

For those of you that don't know, I am a business major. I have always loved everything business and as part of the requirements, I am currently enrolled in a business communications class. Once a week, I will be posting an MCOM related post. These posts will elaborate on a topic, subject, or concept I have learned within this specific class and how I can apply it more in depth.

This week, I want to take the chance to talk about how instrumental social media can be in the business world. Even with this blog assignment, my eyes were opened to the importance of literacy in technology and online communication. This is a skill that can set an individual apart from competition in the "real world."
I would like to educate myself better in this subject. To do so, I will commit to posting more on my blog, and dedicating time to making these posts thoughtful. It is one thing to write a post about whatever topic it might be (for this blog, mainly my weight loss), but it would be extremely advantageous to develop my writing skills. For the next four months of this semester, I would put more thought into everything I post online and make sure that what I post is worthy of respect from a possible employer.

Until next time, have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your desire to better yourself in grammar and punctuation usage. I too need to improve. Hopefully in class we can each share what we have learned to make ourselves better.
