Monday, March 17, 2014

Kat's Meows | Happy People Look For Opportunities to Grow

Over the weekend, I had a conversation with a friend from back home, who also lives in Utah and goes to schools away from home. It occurred to us that one of the hardest things about going back home to visit our friends and family is to see those of our loved ones who are unhappy with their lives. We came the realization that part of moving out of the state and finding our own paths in life was looking for opportunity, and that was a huge factor is pushing our happiness forward. After thinking about this a bit more, I pondered the specific keys to my own relative happiness. After my weight loss, I see life with a different lens and the overarching theme to staying happy, I believe, is never stopping change and continuing to look for growing opportunities.

Tips for relative happiness

1. If you are unhappy with where you live, move.
This seems like a DUH, but there are so many friends I have stuck in the same little town that could be doing so much more with their lives if they didn't feel so trapped. This is not to say don't go back--I will probably (and hopefully!) end up living close to my hometown once I settle for good. But, if the city college is too full, if you can't get a job, whatever it might be, consider moving away.

2. Let yourself fall in love with new surroundings.
Change is hard. However, change is even harder if you don't give change a chance. Before moving to Utah for school, I had filled myself up with the idea that Utah was going to suck and I was not going to fit in as a Californian. It got to the point that I didn't even give the state a chance to prove me wrong. Now, three years later, I finally have let that preconceived opinion go and it's really not that bad.

3. If you can't get a job, make yourself more marketable.
 I know you've heard it before so I won't bore you. But if your resume is blank, that's probably why you can't find a job. Let yourself do grunt work if it means getting experience. It seems that the most successful people were never too good for any job. After many years of dish washing and working in catering, I understand that those experiences inspired work ethic and have probably led me to the bulk of my other opportunities.

4. Live the life that you want and stand by it-- don't be a trend.
I am vegetarian and although I cringe every time someone asks me how I get my protein, I suppose that they just figure I am one of the people that decided to jump on the healthy trend train and that I know nothing about what I'm doing. I've actually been vegetarian since I was twelve. That's like a whole tween's life. So, I know what I'm doing with vegetarianism. However, I do it because I love animals and love feeling healthy. It is not something to start conversation or to make myself more dateable, it comes from a true and deep love. If you don't want to eat animals, then don't. And don't let ANYONE push you around for it. If you want to drink juice all day, go ahead. If you want to never use anything that came from something with eyes or that has a mother, be vegan. But, by all means stand by it. When the trend is out of style, continue to stand by it. You will be happier to know that you can stand up for what you practice.

5. If you are unhappy with your weight, do something about it.
Time and time again, I so wish that I could go back and slap the old Kat. I was so unhappy with my weight for years but I never did anything about it. I have no clue what light bulb finally went off in my head. But if you don't start, you will never feel the joy of losing the weight. Start today.

6. Be BOLD.
What do you have to lose? This year, I have started being completely honest with myself and with others, especially in the dating world. It works. It feels so much better to have what I am thinking laid out. It also eliminates the "you'll never know if you don't try" factor. So do it. You are awesome. Be bold. Be happy.

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