Monday, May 19, 2014

Kat's Meows | Heartbreak and Missing Missy

This past month has been extremely trying. However, I have also learned the value in trials and tribulations. Although I would never wish heartbreak upon anyone else or even myself again, I am grateful for the learning experiences I have had this past month to make me a stronger person.

Heartbreak-- the thing about having a broken heart is that it is not an obvious hurt. Even though I am so aware of the sadness I am feeling, it is not obvious to the rest of the world. This is a blessing in itself. I have learned that the best "medicine" for this pain of the heart is service to others, as well as some other simple things:

1. Be productive.
Go to work. Go to school. Go to the gym. It will help, I promise. Distract yourself with things you need to get done and do so before you are so heartbroken and stagnant that doing anything becomes impossible.

2. Go to the gym (or work out in whatever form you choose).
Hey, I know I just listed it above, but obviously it's so important that it gets its own category. Something that was said to me right after my world seemed to crumble around me was, "I can make you a plate of cookies if that will make you feel better." However, emotional eating is definitely not the way to go in keeping up with a healthy lifestyle. Sweat the sadness out. I know that sounds gross and weird, but being active will really help.

3. Service.
Every time something sad happens, I figure there are two ways I can go. Either away from my faith, blaming God for whatever might have happened, or towards my faith. This past heartbreak, I have definitely chosen the latter and it feels great. No, seriously. I have never reached out to strangers so much, but being a friendly face can really help others' with their struggles as well. It really helps the healing process, and develops friendships along the way.

4. Enjoy nature.
Go on a hike. Collect some leaves. Sit in the sun. Envision a time where you won't feel the burden of sadness from a heartbreak.

Missing Missy

I love animals. When people ask what my hobbies are, my response probably goes like this: singing/songwriting/guitar/ukulele, working out, animals, entertaining (hosting events). Growing up, there were constantly animals around me. I grew up with many pets and had such wonderful experiences that not only taught me how to treat animals, but also how therapeutic it can be to interact. This past week, my cat Missy passed away. It was very out of the blue, and really stunned me. Missy was 13, which I suppose is relatively elderly for cats, but I have two older cats (16, and 18 years old) so I didn't think she would be the one to pass first. Anyway, she passed in her sleep, which is definitely the least painful way for an animal to go. I am sad, but so grateful to have had her in my life.

Have a great week. Feel the love around you. Be nice to animals. Love the fellow human beings in your life.

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