Friday, August 22, 2014

Green Eats | Sprouted Pesto and salad recipe

What's on my plate this week?
Well, I have been in the mood for sprouting lately and wanted to try sprouting pine nuts. I've heard that you can't actually sprout the pine nut to make a sprout, but that you can soak them and make them easier to digest and a healthier overall option.
I also have fresh basil in my kitchen and wanted to try some purple ruffle leaf basil I have been growing.
So, I made some yummy pesto.
The recipe is super simple and doesn't require much.

1. Basil (I used purple leaf and sweet basil)
2. Olive oil
3. Pine nuts
4. Parmesan cheese
5. Hemp seeds
6. Salt & Pepper to taste

1. Soak pine nuts overnight, changing water once throughout the time of soaking
2. Blend pinenuts, basil, and hemp together in a blender/food processor
3. Add olive oil and salt and pepper to taste.
4. Add parmesan cheese until you are satisfied with the consistency.

I went to a BBQ on Sunday, and I wanted to bring a healthy filling salad to add to the menu. Several years ago, I went to a potluck where I tried the yummiest salad that had a pesto sauce as dressing, so I decided to recreate this salad.

1. Pesto
2. Mixed greens
3. Raisins
4. Quinoa
5. Olives

It's really that simple. But SO good. Try it, you'll like it (:

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